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Showing posts from August, 2019

Invisibility and True sight

Certain abilities and items can make heroes invisible and cannot be seen without special abilities. The special abilities to see the invisible unit is what we called "True Sight" What gives True Sight? Sentry ward Placing the Sentry ward will create true sight vision around the Sentry ward and allow to see the invisible unit Before placing the sentry ward After placing the sentry ward Dust of appearance  Using dust of appearance reveals the invisible unit nearby and slow their movement speed by 20% Before using the dust of appearance  After using the dust of appearance Gem of true sight Heroes that carry the gem of true sight will carry the true sight vision around them, Before carrying the gem of true sight After carrying the gem of true sight If the hero that carries the gem dies, the gem of true sight will drop on the ground. The dropped gem will still grant true sight to the team that originally carry it until being p...

Gold and items

Gold is one of the most important resources in DoTA2; it is a currency used to buy items and to revive your hero from its death instantly. Normally gold will be given to all players by 1 gold for every 0.66 seconds starting from 0.00 in the in-game clock. Gold can be gained in other several ways that are -From killing enemy heroes -From assisting in killing enemy heroes -From killing all types of creep -From destroying buildings Time to buy some items As I said before gold is used to buy items that help strengthen your hero. Each hero can carry and use up to 6 items at the same time these 6 slots are what we called "Inventory", moreover, 3 slots below the inventory are what we called "Backpack" if you put the item in there your item cannot be used Inventory and Backpack slots So, to buy the items you need to press the key "F4" to open to shop After you open the shop you inspect the item you want to buy by hovering the mouse over the i...

Hero's attribute

Hi guys! In this guide. I'll be talking about the attribute of the heroes. Let's begin! What is Attribute Attribute page of hero shown in the game Attributes are the stats of each hero. It can be categorized into 3 types  Strength , Agility,  and Intelligence. These attributes can be increased by level up, obtain items or from some unique abilities. Each hero will have their own primary attribute, which will increase that hero base attack damage by 1 point. Also, the primary attribute will be gain the most when leveling up. Strength Strength will identify how tough that hero is. Strength identify a hero's maximum health, HP regeneration, and magic resistance. Hero with plenty of Strength can be hard to kill and can tank damage for their teammates. Each point of Strength gains +Maximum health by 20 +HP regeneration by 0.1 +Magic resistance by 0.08% Picture of Strength attribute Agility Agility will identify how swift that hero is. A...

Rune power!

Hello guys!  Before we go any further in the game, I want to provide you guys with some useful tips in this game. In this guide, I will be talking about Rune    What are runes Runes are powerful boosters that can be found in DoTA2. They can be grouped into two types Bounty rune and power-up runes Bounty rune Bounty rune can be pickup by any hero and will grant gold to all their teammate heroes.  Bounty rune spawns every five minutes starting from 0:00 of the in-game clock and will spawn at the top and bottom of each team. Locations of all the bounty runes  You should pay attention to the time clock in the game because these bounty runes granted all the gold to your teammates which will boost your team economy Bounty rune as seen in the game Power-up runes Power-up runes give heroes various buffs and effects for a short time. These runes will spawn every 2 minutes in either top or down of the river starting from 2:00 of the in...

Getting in to the game (Part 2)

Hello guys! last time I left with a word Creep, and in this guide, I am going to explain it. Let's start! Creeps are the smallest units in DoTA2, it can belong to heroes or not. They can be categorized into two major groups A group of creep fighting in the river Lane creeps  As it says in the name, it is a creep that spawns for each lane and for each team every 30 seconds from the barracks. Lane creeps have 2 types, melee and ranged. Melee creeps tend to have more armor than the ranged, but ranged creeps have much higher attack Melee creep Ranged creep By the way, you can upgrade your creep by destroying your enemies' barracks. For example, if you destroy your enemies' top barracks, your top lane creeps will become a super creep that has more HP and damage than the regular one. Furthermore, if you can destroy all of the enemies barracks, all of your creeps will become a mega creep which gets a superb boost in HP and damage  Image by  ...

Getting into the game (Part1)

Hello! this guide will be talking about the building on the DoTA2 map let's begin! Map of DoTA2 As you guys already know, there are two teams The Radiant and The Dire where Radiant is on the bottom of the map and The Dire vice-versa. The map divided into 3 lanes top, middle and bottom but we will talk about which hero should go into each lane later. The first building is Fountain Dire's fountain Radiant's fountain The fountain is the base of your team, it is where you spawn at the start of the match and after you got killed. Also, it is a place to regenerate your hero's HP and Mana and to buy your items that strengthen your hero Next building is Tower A tower of Radiant The tower is a building located in every lane of each team. The tower deals damage to the enemy team when they get near them and give the friendly more armor if they are around it. The Third building, Shrine Radiant's Shrine   The shrine is like a mini fountain...