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Hero's attribute

Hi guys! In this guide. I'll be talking about the attribute of the heroes.

Let's begin!

What is Attribute

Attribute page of hero shown in the game

Attributes are the stats of each hero. It can be categorized into 3 types  Strength, Agility, and Intelligence. These attributes can be increased by level up, obtain items or from some unique abilities.
Each hero will have their own primary attribute, which will increase that hero base attack damage by 1 point. Also, the primary attribute will be gain the most when leveling up.


Strength will identify how tough that hero is. Strength identify a hero's maximum health, HP regeneration, and magic resistance. Hero with plenty of Strength can be hard to kill and can tank damage for their teammates.

Each point of Strength gains

+Maximum health by 20
+HP regeneration by 0.1
+Magic resistance by 0.08%

Picture of Strength attribute


Agility will identify how swift that hero is. Agility identifies a hero's armor, attack speed, and movement speed. Hero with plenty of Agility can deal a lot of damage from their auto-attack and can be hard to chase because of high movement speed.

Each point of Agility gains
+Armor by 0.16
+Attack speed by 1
+movement speed by 0.05%
Picture of Agility attribute


Intelligence will identify how good can they perform casting spells. Intelligence identifies a hero's maximum mana, mana regeneration and spells damage amplification. Hero with plenty of intelligence can deal a lot of damage from their spell and ability.
Each point of Intelligence gains
+Maximum mana by 12
+Mana regeneration by 0.05
+Spell damage by 0.07%
Picture of Intelligence attribute


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