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Showing posts from October, 2019

Recommended Hero for Hard Support Role (part 2)

In this post, I will recommend another hero that is suitable for the hard support role. This hero is one of my favorite hero that is " Shadow Shaman " Shadow Shaman is also one of the heroes that I would recommend to play because his skill is really straight to the point and is really useful to be in the team. Skills 1.Ether Shock Ether Shock is a dealing-damage spell that will damage units in front of Shadow Shaman in the shape of a cone. 2.Hex He also possesses the ability to turn an enemy into a harmless creature like Lion does. The only difference is that Lion makes the target to be a frog but Shadow Shaman turns the target to be a chicken. 3.Shackles Shadow Shaman channel the spell on the target rendering them to be unable to move or do anything. Shadow Shaman has to stand still in order to cast this spell, however. 4.Mass Serpent Wards Shadow Shaman summons 10 Serpent Wards to attack enemies. What makes this skill very special and u...

Recommended Hero for Hard Support Role (part 1)

Now that I have covered most of the basics DoTA2 stuff. In this and the following posts, I will recommend heroes that are easy to play and fit in the specific roles. First, I will start with the least popular role, hard support. The first hero that I will recommend you guys is " LION " Lion is an intelligence hero who possesses many disable skills that are stun, hex and slow. Also, he capable of dealing massive damage by his ultimate "Finger of Death" Skills 1. Earth Spike Earth spike is a really useful skill. You may use this for farming creeps, disable heroes, harass heroes in the lane or up to disable heroes' teleportation. 2. Hex Hex, as it said in the name, transforms an enemy into a frog that cannot do anything except walking with a really low speed. 3. Mana Drain Targetting the target and Lion will start to drain the mana of the target by channeling the spell plus slow the target's movement speed. 4. Finge...

Attack modifier in DoTA2

Attack modifiers are modifiers that apply to the unit's normal attack. These modifiers ranged from healing, damaging or disabling effects. Also, most of these modifiers have their own rules. For instance, some modifiers may apply to melee or ranged units only, some may choose to be active or manually used by the units and some may have a chance to occur on each attack. Here are the attack modifiers in DoTA2 1. Critical Strike - A critical strike causes the attack to deal more damage by percent. 2. Cleave - Cleave causes the melee units' attack to deal damage in a trapezoid shape in front of them and be noted that ranged unit cannot use this modifier 3. Splash - Splash causes the ranged units' attack to deal damage in a circular area around the damaged units and be noted that melee unit cannot use this modifier 4. Bash - Bash causes the attack to stun the target and deal additional damage to it 5. Lifesteal - Lifesteal causes the attack to heal the att...

Disable skills in DoTA2 (part2)

From the last part, I have shown you 6 of the disable skills. Now, let's continue from the last part 7. Forced movement  -Some spells can forcefully move the affected units, preventing it from moving freely. 8. Root - Root is a disable skill that prevents the target heroes from moving and using mobility skills. Also, some roots will disarm the affected heroes as well.  9. Leash - Leash is kind of similar to root. While root prevents the affected units from moving, leash allows the affected units to move but not from a restricted point. 10. Hex - When the unit got hexed, they will turn into a harmful animal that cannot use any spell nor items. They can still move but at a really low speed. 11. Trap - Trap is really not a disable because it  doesn't really prevent a unit from anything but trap skills will create some terrain which enemies heroes cannot pass through  12. Taunt  - Taunt is a disable ...

Disable skills in DoTA2 (part1)

Disable or CC(Crowd control) is used to call any abilities or status that prevent the heroes from acting certain actions. Disable has many types and from different sources. For example, some heroes may possess Disable abilities and purchasing some items can give you an abilities to disable too. Here is the list of disabling in DoTA2 1.Stun Stun is the most common disabling skill and is the most dependable one because a hero who is in the effect of stun cannot act and do anything like walking. using items or using their abilities. A hero under the effect of stun Stun can be categorized into 3 subcategories 1.1 Shackle -shackle abilities are much like regular stuns which make the target cannot do some actions but the difference is that the caster has to channel(to stand still and casting the spell) the effect. 1.2 Sleep - Sleep is like stun, but if the sleeping target is getting damaged or attacked by heroes then the Sleep will be dispelled. 1.3 cyclone ...