From the last part, I have shown you 6 of the disable skills. Now, let's continue from the last part
16. Disarm
- The disarmed target cannot issue an attack command though they can still be attacked from other units
17. Blind
- Blind cause units a chance to miss some of their attacks.
7. Forced movement
-Some spells can forcefully move the affected units, preventing it from moving freely.
8. Root
- Root is a disable skill that prevents the target heroes from moving and using mobility skills. Also, some roots will disarm the affected heroes as well.
9. Leash
- Leash is kind of similar to root. While root prevents the affected units from moving, leash allows the affected units to move but not from a restricted point.
10. Hex
- When the unit got hexed, they will turn into a harmful animal that cannot use any spell nor items. They can still move but at a really low speed.
11. Trap
- Trap is really not a disable because it doesn't really prevent a unit from anything but trap skills will create some terrain which enemies heroes cannot pass through
12. Taunt
- Taunt is a disable skill that forces the targetted units to attack another unit. While under the effect of taunt, the heroes cannot issue any command until the taunt wears off.
13. Fear
-The units under the fear effect are forced to run away from their first location and cannot do anything until the effects wear off.
14. Hide
- Hide cause the affected unit to disappear and return after the effect ends
15. Ethereal
- Ethereal effect turns the units into a green-thing and makes them unable to attack or be attacked by physical damage but will take extra damage from magical skills
16. Disarm
- The disarmed target cannot issue an attack command though they can still be attacked from other units
17. Blind
- Blind cause units a chance to miss some of their attacks.
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